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How Do Cigarettes Affect The Human Body?

That's hardly new we have known about the dangers of smoking for decades. With each inhalation, smoke brings more than 5,000 chemical substances into contact with the body's tissue. From the start, a black, resinous material, tar, begin to coat the teeth and gums, damaging tooth enamel, and eventually causing decay. 

over time, smoke also damages nerve-ending in the nose, causing loss of the smell. Inside the lungs and airways, smoke increases the likelihood of infections, as well as a chronic disease like emphysema and bronchitis. It does this by disturbing tiny hairlike structures of the cilia they clean the airways.

Then it fills like the tiny air sacs that enable the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the lungs and blood it called alveoli. Toxic gas is known as CMC, that membrane into the blood and binding to Hg and displacing the O2. It would basically have transported on all sides of the Human Body.

That's the reason for smoking can lead to oxygen deprivation and shortness of breath. Within about ten sec, the bloodstream carries a restorative called Nicotine. The free of neurotransmitters and dopamine including endorphins that generate the enjoyable sensations which construct smoking very high addition.