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House of Gucci: How Lady Gaga Captured Personal Trauma in a Film Role

Lady Gaga says she experienced abuse as a teenager while filming Gucci House. This new film tells the story of love, betrayal, and ultimately murder in a famous Italian fashion family. The singer and actress play Patricia Reggiani spent 18 years in prison hiring an assassin to kill her ex-husband and label boss Maurizio Gucci.

"I've used all these memories, all these traumas, all the moments of my life," Lady Gaga told News. That summer, the star announced that she had a sexual assault disorder that got her pregnant more than 15 years ago. He said he believed Reggie's crimes were the actions of a woman who was "pushed over the edge."

When asked how her personal experiences helped shape her character, she told the entertainment correspondent Lizo Mzimba, "I would say it's poison, a man's world, all the time as a woman in the music industry to experience.

"Less of frenzy as part of her character, but more assault when I was 19 years old, a music producer who felt indefinitely controlled by men as I continued my career trying to find my voice and within me too Your Empowerment - not power, but empowerment, like a woman.

"I took from every trigger point I could find and allowed myself – I could cry when I talked about it – one mode of survival all the time. "So it was excruciating on set because I was constantly working with my sensory memory." She adds, "I was very open about post-traumatic stress disorder and having to complex PTSD. So not one incident, but many events.

Her "amazing" director Ridley Scott regularly checks her mental health because she sees that she's ready to be "traumatized" with her performance, she says.

"Reliving your trauma to the character may not be the healthiest thing to do," he admits. "But I'm romantic. I had a romance with the script, my characters, a romance with the cast. "I think it's a kind of therapy, the way he calls it an exorcism. I did everything to play it, so that's important."