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Holi Rangoli Design 2022: Latest and Simple Images and Photos of Holi Rangoli Designs

Holi Rangoli Designs 2022 Pictures, Photos, Photos: This year, try to make a beautiful Rangoli to surprise your Holi party guests. I was inspired by this design.

Holi Rangoli Designs 2022 Pictures, Photos, Photos: Holi is undoubtedly one of the most famous festivals in India. This festival of colors is so unique and fun that people from all over the country flock to Mathura to see it at the birthplace of Lord Krishna, who celebrates Holi with unparalleled splendor and glory. While some people play holly with watercolors and gulaal (dried flowers), others also decorate the entrances of their homes with rangoli, also called ponds in South India and alone in West Bengal.

If you'd also like to try making a delicious rangoli at home, check out these unique design ideas to inspire you:

What would you like to try?