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Hardik Pandya and Nataša Stanković officially announced their Relation.

Our BOI is engaged now with beautiful Nataša Stanković. What a start for stylish all-rounder cricketer Hardik Pandya. 

Indian Cricketer Hardik Pandya and Natasha famous model and actress officially announced their Relation on their social media account with a lip lock and Hardik seating on his wounded knees for Natasha proposing her.

Hardik is not having a good time from past months as he has gone through a surgery we hope that he will be fit for 2020 world cup this year as he is a crucial member of India. He can bat and kick opponents out of the match, he can bowl too, and in English condition, he can be very lethal who can forget Five wicket hall against England.

Great to see Hardik getting in Relation with beautiful Natasha as he has faced lots of criticism on his words which he spoke at Karan Johar's show. Hardik Pandya is very stylish and fantastic cricketer he has the potential to win the match for India against tough opponents like Australia, England, South Africa, New Zealand and other teams.

Virat and many other cricketers wished Hardik Pandya for his new step towards life. We too want to wish Hardik Pandya and Natasha all the best for the future, and we hope Natasha's luck makes Hardik more Brutal batsman then before and a fantastic bowler who can win matches for India.