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Halina Hutchins: The Film Industry Is Mourning The Death Of A "Great Talent" And Looking For Answers.

Key Sentence:

  • Halina Hutchins, the cameraman who died when actor Alec Baldwin fired a gun for a set, was considered an "incredible artist."
  • Hutchins worked as a cameraman at the Rust location.

American magazine Cinematographer identified him as one of the rising stars of 2019 before working on the independent superhero film Archenemy in 2020. Chief adversary director Adam Egypt Mortimer told News that the fact that he died on set was "absolutely unbelievable."

She said, "Halina is a fantastic artist just getting started; I think people are beginning to notice. That he would die onset in an accident like that is unimaginable. It seems unthinkable." 

On Twitter, Alec Baldwin said: "There are no words to express my shock and sadness at the tragic incident in which Halina Hutchins, my wife, mother, and colleagues whom I greatly admire, lost their lives." "My heart breaks for her husband, son, and everyone who knows and loves Halina," she added.

"The tragic thing is that he's made such a beautiful film, but when you think about what to expect, it's also unfortunate," he told News. "I think it's tough for women in this industry, so I'm impressed she did."

Alex Fedosov, who, like Hutchins, was a Ukrainian director in Hollywood, said he was "progressing in his career" and "an artist and visionary."

"He is very talented, a photographic director with his vision, with his strong ideas," he told News Ukraine. "When we were working together on set, I was the assistant director; I wanted him to hurry up and tell him, 'Hurry up, we have to shoot this.' But, instead, he smiled calmly but continued at his own pace, knowing what he was trying to accomplish."

The innovative artist, the agency that represents him, described him in a statement as a "bright spot." "His talent is immense and only outweighed by his love for his family," the agency wrote. "Everyone in their orbit knew what was coming; a star photographer who will be a force.

He also asked how his death could have happened. He said: "US safety standards are very high. There are always experts on set. There is always control before shooting. Sometimes blanks are used to have a better effect on the film. The camera, but "always happens with a high degree of high security."

Director Adam Egypt Mortimer told the that the safety of the set was of utmost importance.  James Gunn, director of Suicide Squad and Guardians of the Galaxy, said, "My biggest fear is that someone will get seriously injured on one of my sets. I pray this never happens. Today's Rust tragedy, especially Halina Hutchins and her family, my heart goes out to everyone affected by the Rust tragedy. Director and cameraman El Schneider wrote on Twitter about the death of his "rock star friend and cameraman."