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Griden Power Proudly Contributes to the Made in India Project

Envisioning a perfect e-Mobility for the nation, Griden is a leading Made in India Electric Vehicle Charger manufacturer.

As said by their spokesperson, “Not only does our country need extensive EV charging network but also indigenously manufactured EV charging stations to bolster not just the EV network but employment and home production. I must say, Griden has its sleeves rolled up and we are ready to escalate India’s EV charging network”

What makes Griden stand out is their unparallel fast charger with 94% power efficiency and superior charging station services. Their Bharat DC 001 chargers comply with the Bharat specification and provide fast and convenient charging whether residential or commercial with their unmatched services and support. Let’s take a look:

The EV charging station, management, and training
Griden provides advanced EV chargers including AC and DC. They also offer charging station site management. Setting up and managing smarter and emission-free e-mobility infrastructure is part of their EV charging station management solutions. 

Griden Power makes everything from electric vehicle charging station installation to EVSE usage tracking, charging history, and real-time monitoring of the charging status becomes possible.

Lastly, they also provide training services to business owners willing to set up an EV charging station.

Home charging station setup
Fast electric car charging relies heavily on DC chargers. Further, a vast majority of EVs are charged at home. Leaving an EV for full night charging may not always be feasible especially in the case of frequent power cuts. Thus, fast charging is the need of the hour for residentials as well. Griden Power makes installing and maintaining a home charging station convenient.

EV Battery Station
Increasing shift to EV is also increasing pressure for EV battery replacement. Griden also supports EV battery replacement businesses with their Made in India batteries.

Solar Charging Station Installation
Taking environment conservation to the next level, Griden also provides Solar based EV charging station for enterprises.

About Griden Power
Griden Power is an arm of Griden Technologies Private Limited, a well-known EV fast charger manufacturer in India. The pioneering firm, which is headquartered in Ahmedabad, was founded in the year 2020.

Griden provides complete charging solutions for public and private applications that are protracted and secure for owners. Their offer both AC and DC charging, outfitted with a cutting-edge control system that includes CMS software and a mobile app that allows corporate, government, and private owners to manage it with ease.