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Google Chrome's latest Five features in 2020.

Google Chrome is the most widely used Browser in the world. We have seen so many features added in the last five years in Google chrome. It is light weighted and straightforward to use the Browser. 

A recent addition is Dark mode with improved tab management and recovers tab option. If you are using Google Chrome like me, then you must go through my article.


Display Navigation: Gesture Navigation has been introduced in Google Chrome which allows users to swipe inward from the left-hand side of the display to go back and inward from the right to go forward. 

To activate this option go to Chrome://flags/#overscroll-history-navigation into your URL bar and make sure the setting is switched on. After doing this restart your Chrome so that setting get ON.

Google's Omnibox: Many don't know this, but the address bar in Chrome, URLs which we put is an Omnibox, a direct interface to the Google search Engine. Omnibox will do mathematical calculations, give weather updates etc. without even going to search page.

Recover Lost Tabs: Chrome has introduced a new feature which allows user to reopen any page they have discarded. User has to press control+shift+t on windows. It can be accessed by right-clicking the "+" sign and pressing the "reopen closed tab" button.

Dark Mode: It was introduced early in 2019. It is less strenuous on the eyes, but it also increases battery life for OLED users. Go to Windows settings - appearance and adjust the theme to " Material Incognito Dark Theme". The Dark mode is available in Mac OS 10.14 and Windows 10 and up versions.

Mute Sites: If you don't want to listen to unwanted noise of the site then click on little Icon in the tab title for websites, it will mute the site.