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Go With Your Own Instincts, Try To Turn Off Your Brain: "How To Start Reading Tarot Cards."

Everything is very uncertain now, but people have understood tarot cards for hundreds of years. This might help you, but where should I start? Write Gabriel Drolet. Humans have found meaning in tarot cards for centuries, and although there are many rituals in practice, there is no evidence that tarot cards tell ... your future.

But for many people who like to consult them, it makes no sense. Tarot is less about predicting the future than it is about reflecting on your life. Also? "Having fun is more serious about practicing than you can imagine," says Ariana Lenarski, 34, writer, musician, and tarot reader. Getting started with tarot can be overwhelming at first. Here is a simple guide.

Step 1: Choose a deck.

There are some fundamental differences between a regular deck of cards and a tarot deck. Usually, the tarot column contains more cards, and each card has an illustration related to its meaning. The deck has been redesigned many times with different styles and themes.

Step 2 - Understand the basics of the tarot deck.

The tarot deck has 78 cards and is divided into two parts: the major arcana (fundamental mysteries) and the minor arcana (meaning little puzzles). Twenty-two basic secret cards deal with significant life events and all-encompassing topics like relationships, careers, and love.

Step 3 - Think of the question you want to ask.

The purpose of reading tarot is to examine questions about yourself. You select cards to help you ponder possible answers and interpret the meaning of each answer concerning what you are asking. Remember that tarot cards are introspection tools, and for this reason, it is best to open up questions.

Step 4 - Prepare Your Area

Do what you think is right to set the mood. Some people like to use certain tablecloths while reading, while others like to use candles or crystals. Many tarot card readers also clean their area before starting. You can do this with a spray like lavender, as well as burning incense.

Step 5 - Stir and cut.

Start by shuffling the deck while thinking about your question. However, mixing feels most comfortable and stops when you think you have considered your question enough and are ready to answer it. After stirring, place the deck face down and cut it into smaller decks. They don't have to be the same size - just the ones that taste good. Then rearrange all decks randomly. Your cards are now drawable: you turn over individual cards from the pile and place them face-up on the table.

Step 6 - Draw the card.

There are several ways to download tarot cards. You pull them out intuitively or in "spreads" - special arrangements where each card is assigned a meaning. Tarot of the Bronx and Morales says they intuitively draw cards and flip through them until they feel they have answered their question.

Step 7 - Start Reading the Tarot Deck

First, a minor arcana. Glasses associated with water are costumes that are primarily associated with emotion, openness, and imagination. The stick connected with fire and passion symbolizes energy, movement, and creativity. The air-connected sword represents your spirit, how you think, communicate and solve problems. Finally, Earth-related pentacles explore the physical world and how we interact with it, presenting topics such as money, home, and careers.