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Gecko Hemidactylus: Mediterranean species Hemidacytylus.

The common house gecko Hemidactylus frenatus to not be confused with the Mediterranean species Hemidacytylus turcicis called Mediterranean house gecko might be a gecko native of the nation-stateit is also cited because of the  Pacific house gecko, the Asian house gecko, wall gecko, house lizard, or moon lizard.

Most geckos are occurringthrashing during the day and hunt for insects in the dead of night. They'll be seen climbing walls of housed and other buildings in search of insects inquisitive about vestibule lights and is at once
identifiable by its characteristic cheep.

They grow the length between 75-150 Millimetres and live for about 5 years. These small geckos aren't harmful and non-venomous to humans. Most media to large gecko are docile but may bite if distressed, which can pierce the skin.

A tropical gecko, Hemidactylus frenatus thrives in humid areas and warms. where it can swim around on rotting wood in search of the insects it eats. Like urban landscapes. The animal is incredibly adaptable and can make the most of insects and spiders, displacing other gecko species that are less robust or behaviorally aggressive.