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Gail King Explains Why She Wears 1 Heel and 1 Clog to Tribeca Film Festival

"[She] wants people to know she has shoes that match her dress," Tyler Perry joked about Gail King's look in clogs and high heels.

While hosting a Q&A with Tyler Perry at the Tribeca Film Festival on Monday, King, 67, wore a classic button-down green short sleeve dress with a mid-neckline that added sparkle to her colorful clutch look.

However, her choice of shoes caught the most attention when she wore a two-tone spiky style on one foot, boots with pastel flowers on the other, and gray socks. Before the Q&A session, Perry, 52, pointed to King's shoes and told him, "I love shoes, Gale," prompting King to explain, "I have a thing called Achilles tendinitis, so that's okay." ."

King added, "Tyler was like, 'Why don't you just wear both sandals?'" I said to myself, "Because it's fashionable, Tyler. I don't want people to think I'm wearing these clogs just because." Then Perry joked that King wanted people to know she had shoes to match the dress.'

Before his shoes became a topic of conversation, King said he had spent time "recovering from COVID" after testing positive last week. "I'm happy to say, guys, I tested negative," he told the audience on Monday. - I'm fine, everything's fine.

The CBS Mornings host isn't afraid to wear her iconic clogs with the heel between her injured Achilles tendon.

While attending the Hollywood Reporter's Most Powerful Media event in May, she was wearing the same combination of green heels and colorful clogs on her feet. He later told Six that his pain started last weekend.