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French actress Brigitte's 4 marriages to 100 affairs: The film was so bold that theater owners were jailed for releasing it.

French actress Brigitte's 4 marriages to 100 affairs: The film was so bold that theater owners were jailed for releasing it.

1950s actress Brigitte Bardot is still one of the most beautiful French film actresses today. Brigitte sets a new benchmark for boldness in French film. The actress' film was so bold that several theater owners were jailed for showing the film once in America.

Brigitte, who has been married four times, has admitted in an interview that she had more than 100 affairs, but had a difficult childhood. She was disciplined as a child. Even his mother used to choose friends for him. Father was so harsh that once he broke a flower pot with 20 lashes and made it clear that Brigitte would never call him father again.

Brigitte's film career spanned 25 years, but has been highly controversial. Brigitte's affairs ranged from film directors to bartenders. Brigitte is now 88 years old and lives her life as an animal rights activist.

Father made strict rules in the house

Father Louis Bardo was a businessman and mother was well known in high society. Brigitte had a condition called amblyopia. Due to this one eye stopped seeing. Brigitte was never happy with her childhood. Father made strict rules in the house. He wanted Brigitte and her sister to observe strict manners at home, dress and behave like high society girls. He was not allowed to choose his friends as he wished. This is why Brigitte didn't have many friends as a child.

Father gave 20 lashes for breaking the flower pot

Brigitte was a high society girl and lived in a luxurious 7-room house. However, Brigitte suffered from mental stress during her childhood. One day while playing at home with his sister, he broke his parents' favorite flower pots. As punishment, the father gave both the sisters 20 lashes each. Since then his father was with him like a stranger. Both sisters were asked to call their parents Vous. This term is used for strangers of high status. The incident had a severe effect on Brigitte and she had no feelings for her parents. 

He started breaking the rules of high society.

After World War 2, when Nazi Germany occupied Paris, Brigitte stayed at home most of the time. At home, Brigitte danced and recorded herself. Mother saw talent and trained her in ballet dance. Because of her mother, she went to school for 3 days and practiced dance on the remaining days.