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Former Student Guilty of Obstructing £3.5 Million Fraud Investigation

A former student, who gained media attention for giving away money on the streets of Plymouth, has pleaded guilty to obstructing a police investigation into an alleged £3.5 million fraud. Gurvin Singh Dyal admitted to failing to provide crucial data related to the investigation.

At Exeter Crown Court, Dyal pleaded guilty to a civil charge of contempt of court. He was sentenced to eight months in prison, with the sentence suspended for two years. Despite this legal setback, Devon and Cornwall Police confirmed that the fraud investigation remains ongoing, though no charges have been brought against him at this time.

Dyal has consistently denied any involvement in the fraud, maintaining his innocence throughout the investigation. The case continues to draw attention, not only due to the nature of the allegations but also due to Dyal's high-profile public actions, which led to widespread media coverage. The outcome of the ongoing investigation remains uncertain, and police have urged those involved to cooperate fully with the legal proceedings.

While Dyal faces no immediate jail time due to the suspended sentence, the case highlights the legal consequences of failing to comply with investigative demands. As the investigation proceeds, further developments may arise regarding both the fraud case and Dyal's role in the ongoing legal matter.