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Former Olympic Athlete Stan Wilde Continues To Train In The Gym After Abuse Allegations.

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  • Former Olympic gymnast who denies child abuse banned Sports Association against her 12 years after the first complaint.

Stan Wilde, 77, took part in two Olympics and later founded the club in York. In 2008, a woman reported violence allegations to the British police and gym, but no action was taken after an investigation. Wilde, who denies the charges and has never been charged with a crime, was banned in 2020 following a new investigation into British gymnastics.

Nicki O'Donnell, who waived her right to remain anonymous, said she was repeatedly sexually assaulted at Wilde's club between nine and 14. He said the abuse included touching his chest and buttocks and said Wilde would also enter the locker room if he undressed.

"He would kiss the other girls and me I saw too. He will kiss you on the lips," he said. In 2008, Ms. O'Donnell reported the alleged abuse to police investigating, but no action was taken, and Mr. Wild was allowed to continue his training. "They had to stop, but they let it go, and they let it go for a long time," he said.

In 2016, another girl complained that she had been harassed and then moved by Mr. Wilde at the Gymnastics Foundation Club in York City. The girl, who cannot be named, said: "I was sitting on the bench, and he said, 'There will be no more kissing for anyone,' and I said yes because I'm happy about that."

"He pushed me back on the floor with him on top of me and his chest on mine, then pretended to kiss me again in front of everyone, which embarrassed me and made me feel uncomfortable." The family said the club's way of dealing with problems made them feel like they were the problem. 

However, they say protection is at the core of the gym. "Our policies and procedures have been carefully reviewed by the relevant authorities and follow best practices," they said. Supervisors added that they were "deeply sorry for the pain and disturbance caused."