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Food Poisoning Is Associated With Sickness Caused By Consuming Contaminated Food.

Food poisoning is associated with sickness caused by consuming contaminated food. it is not sometimes serious and the majority convalesce among many days while not treatment.

In most cases of sickness, the food is contaminated by a microorganism, like enterobacteria or E. coli (E. coli), or a virus, like a norovirus.

Signs and symptoms
The symptoms of sickness sometimes begin among one to 2 days of consuming contaminated food, though they will begin at any purpose between many hours and several other weeks later.

The main symptoms include:
  • feeling sick (nausea)
  • vomiting
  • diarrhea, which can contain blood or mucous secretion
  • stomach cramps and abdominal pain
  • a lack of energy and weakness
  • loss of appetency
  • a warm temperature (fever)

however, is food contaminated?
Food will become contaminated at any stage throughout production, process, or cookery. for instance, it will be contaminated by:
  • not cookery food totally (particularly meat)
  • not properly storing food that has to be chilled at below 5C
  • leaving fried food for too long at heat temperatures
  • not sufficiently reheating antecedently fried food
  • someone UN agency is sick or UN agency has dirty hands touching the food

Causes of sickness
Food will become contaminated at any stage throughout its production, process, or cookery. For example, it will become contaminated by:
  • not cookery food totally (particularly meat)
  • not properly storing food that has to be chilled at below 5C
  • keeping fried food unrefrigerated for a protracted amount

Treating sickness
Food poisoning will sometimes be treated reception while not seeking a medical recommendation. the majority can feel higher among many days. It's important to avoid dehydration by drinking much water, though you'll be able to solely sip it, as you wish to exchange any fluids lost through forcing out and diarrhea.

You should also:
  • rest the maximum amount as attainable
  • eat after you feel up thereto – jutting to tiny, light-weight, and non-fatty meals initially (bland foods like toast, crackers, rice, and bananas area unit sensible choices)ts.