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Fans sue Universal Pictures over film without Anna de Armas

Two American fans of Cuban-Spanish actress Ana de Armas are suing Hollywood studio Universal Pictures, saying they were tricked into making Rent the film because of it in the trailer. Connor Wolfe and Peter Rosa said they paid $3.99 (£2.94) each for yesterday's comedy, only to have the actress removed from the final version.

They demanded $5 million in compensation on behalf of all affected viewers. Universal Pictures has not yet commented on the matter. Fans said they had fallen victim to a marketing scam and that Universal used de Armas's "fame, brilliance, and brilliance" to promote films he was not involved in.

"Although the defendant included scenes involving Ms. de Armas in a film trailer advertisement to promote the sale and rental of the film yesterday and it is interesting, Ms. de Armas is not and has never been in the public domain of the film version," the complaint filed in California on Friday said. 

Yesterday was about a singer-songwriter who hits his head and wakes up to find he's the only person in the world who recalls The Beatles.

Anna de Armas who appeared in the latest Bond film, No Time To Die - collaborated as the singer's lover in a comedy film. Finally, the premiere of Daniel Craig's new Bond film.

However, the scene with the 33-year-old actress was cut, apparently because the audience did not like this aspect of the storyline.Screenwriter Richard Curtis said 2019 was a "very traumatic cut" because de Armas was "brilliant" in the role.