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Fan Lizzie McGuire's unconventional wedding vows to her now-viral husband

"I'm honored to be [named] in the same breath as Hillary," Danny Chapman told the news after his husband went viral on TikTok with some of Lizzie McGuire's wedding vows.

A newly married couple discovers "what dreams are made of."

Marco Brown, a Chicago antique dealer, went viral on TikTok after giving his husband Danny Chapman a Lizzie McGuire-inspired vow from their wedding, and even Hillary Duff herself was moved by their love.

"I've always wanted to marry Hillary Duff," Brown, 33, told the news. "I was obsessed, and in love with her, I think most young gay men in the early 2000s... It was just a realization at a time when I didn't expect my vows to be entirely related to Hillary Duff. Still, it is." just happened. In their April 16 wedding video, which has been viewed more than 2.6 million times, Brown shares the "staggering discovery" that she is Lizzie McGuire in their relationship and that Chapman, 33, is her Gordoface from Lizzie. . .

"Spoiler alert: They ended up together. I've been looking for my Lizzie McGuire when I needed to find my Gordo," Brown says in the video. "As their iconic charting single 'What Dreams Are Made Of,'" he added, referring to the 2003 film Lizzie McGuire song. "I have a place I belong; I have someone to love." That's a dream. made of."

They even walked towards the song after exchanging "I dos," though Brown kept the promise of a surprise.

Chapman noted that he wasn't "so surprised" that 34-year-old Duff made a cameo in her husband's Oath. "But the fact that she realized she was Lizzie McGuire herself was so much fun," he said, swearing and surrounded by everyone having a good time. So it's perfect, and it's an honor to be [mentioned] in the same breath as Hillary.

"It captured our love and relationship cleverly, sentimentally and sincerely," added Chapman.

Duff even shared the video on his Instagram Story. Where is my invite? He wrote.