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Erica Girardi RHOBH mixes "drugs with alcohol" with "deafness" from real-life drama

"I also want to have fun, relieve stress, and judge the difficult things to come," the reality show star said.

Erica Girardi opens up about the unhealthy handling of her real-life drama.

In a recent interview with Entertainment Tonight, the 50-year-old "True Wives of Beverly Hills" star discussed her difficulties in season 12, which premiered on Wednesday night's "Bravo."

Although Erica admits that she has used various substances to "reduce" the pain, she denies that she has a substance abuse problem, as shown in the trailer for the reality show.

"I think it exploded more than that," he explained. "I mix drugs with alcohol, sincere and honest about it. I also want to have fun and somehow turn off stress and the heaviness that comes with it.

"And that's what I did. And I think they should be grateful that I came here, plus one person," added Erica. In addition to the coping mechanisms, the Season 12 trailer also sees Erica come into conflict with several of her colleagues, including Garcel Beauvais.

The pair recently became involved when the Pretty Mess singer shared a video on her Instagram Story last month showing her spoiling Garcel's new memoir, Love Me as I Am. During her chat with ET, Erica discussed how the drama with Garcel continues, saying, "I think Garcel wants something from me that he won't get."

"He had views on how I should behave ... and what I should do about my legal situation," he continued. "And it's not - I can't do what other people want me to do. I have to do what's right for me." Additionally, Erica spoke to ET about her estranged husband, Tom Girardi, who was diagnosed with late-stage Alzheimer's and dementia and is now being cared for by his younger brother.

Erica filed for divorce from Tom, 82, in November 2020 after nearly two decades of marriage, amid rising allegations of blackmail and embezzlement against her ex and her company.

"I know the truth, I know what's going to happen, I know what's going on," Erika told the paper. "More ambitious ears are willing to step back and look at the bigger picture and reluctant to jump into sensationalist headlines."