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Dr. Twinkal Patel Emerges as a Leading Social Entrepreneur

However, some proactive leaders are working at the forefront to bring about cognition and access to women's health and hygiene. One such name is Dr Twinkal Patel.


A leading social entrepreneur in Ahmedabad, Dr Twinkal Patel endures an esteemed profile of associations with various medical facilities and non-profit organizations.


The managing director of Motherhood Hospital and a founder and trustee at Motherhood foundation owns a decade of experience in the field. She is also the managing director at Midas Touch Skin Care and Cosmetic Center.


In her entrepreneurial journey, she has undertaken various programs such as a seminar with Prayosha Foundation on women's health and menstrual hygiene and BTSS, addressing women empowerment in Fempreneur conference 2022, talk on drug abuse and youth in association with Nirma University and Government Science College camp, Por, Gandhinagar, amongst many others.


She has expressed her views and enlightening notes on news channels like Knews and VTV news on various subjects of women's health and lifestyle. Dr Twinkal Patel's consistent dedication and tremendous contributions in uplifting women's healthcare has brought her recognition by Women Entrepreneur India's annual recognition of "Women in Healthcare - 2022".


As she strides forward in her journey, we anticipate improved awareness in the women's health sector.