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Double Eyes! Most Incredible People On Earth.

An Extremely bizarre condition called Pupula duplex which is characterized by having two irises or pupils in the same eyeball. Pupula duplex is Latin for the double pupil. This condition is so rare but some people believe it's just a myth existence.

Thought to be based on the story of Luo Chun a Chinese Minister of State in the year 995 ad. This is from Ripley's believe it or not he supposedly has the condition but they may have lost something in translation. There is a claim of people having this condition in modern times but no photographic evidence.

There is evidence however for some unusual eye conditions such as heterochromia iridium which causes separate colouration of the irises. A coloboma is a drop in one of the arrangements of the eye, such as the iris, retina, choroid, or optic disc.

Which is a birth deficiency that causes a hole in the iris most people who suffer from this are also blind? So it's possible although apparently extremely rare condition. It's only a handful of cases across recorded history.