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Fruits are beautiful bowl and known as basket of nutrition. Pitahaya fruit is identified as Dragon fruit or strawberry pear in the traditional sense while scientific name is Hylocereus undatus. The brilliant red fruit features grayish white scales and blackish seeds. The fruit's name was given the moniker ‘’Dragon fruit’’ due to its unusual appearance. This fruit is good choice to make thick shake, green salads, and toppings yogurt.

Nutritional value

·       Dragon fruit can be called a superfood as it is low fat food with bundle of nutraceuticals.

·       It contains plethora of antioxidants, phytonutrients, vitamins like Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Calcium, Iron, minerals, good fatty acids, flavonoids and probiotics than other foods.

Health benefits

·       Preventing chronic diseases and ageing:  Higher amount of antioxidants found in dragon fruit are betacyanins, betaxanthins, hydroxycinnamates and flavonoids which helps in inhibiting chronic diseases like cancer and premature aging.

·       Lowers blood sugar: It may help lower blood sugar of an individual.

·       In the treatment and prevention of  lots of diseases such as diabetes, obesity, hyperlipidaemia and prevent pathogenic agents such as viruses, bacteria, and fungi.

·       High fiber content: It fulfills daily need of fiber in human being.

·        It is rich in prebiotics that helps in growth of the healthy bacteria in intestines and can kill disease-causing viruses and bacteria.

·       It acts as an immunity booster and energy booster as it contains:


·       Although dragon fruit is safe to consume, some people may be allergic to it.

·       Take additional precautions when eating dragon fruit during pregnancy and breast-feeding:

·       Because dragon fruit has the potential to reduce blood sugar levels, diabetic people should use caution while consuming it.

·       Blood sugar management may be lowered by dragon fruit. It should be taken at least 10 to 15 days before to the surgery date.


To conclude, by considering extensive health benefits of Dragon fruit, we must include it in our menu from time to time though it is costly.


Try the dragon fruit and make your mood colorful!!!!