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Disease-Resistant Pigs: Scientists Are Operating Genetic Technologies.

Among the world's population projected to reach 10 billion in 30 years, scientists are operating to use genetic technologies to address coming food security problems. They have had some success, as using the CRISPR-Cas9 gene-editing process to improve so many disease-resistant pigs. But the advance is worthless if the pigs cannot be taken to market and if no one will have their bacon. 

Jon Oatley, professor, and the director of WSU's Center for Reproductive Biology recognized soon that applying genetic technologies on food animals presents social and ethical difficulties that cannot be solved through research alone.

Last year, Oatley carried forward the idea of gathering masters to tackle these problems, and this week the national task force on the gene-editing in cattle had its first meeting. Oatley and Bryan Slinke, then dean of WSU's College of Veterinary Medicine joined colleagues at a gene-editing summit in Washington D.C., and the 11 people national task force was announced.

Taking together scientists and bioethicists along with industry and federal officials to map out recommendations for regulating the emerging technology with suitable procedures and protection. The potential for gene editing to dramatically increase food security globally and reduce the burden on natural sources is enormous.

But it must be done accurately and ethically, said Peter McPherson, president of the Association of Public Land Grant Universities, Which established the task force together with the Association of American veterinary medical colleges.

Public misperception or perception of gene editing is one of the main problems the task force will approach. Many people wrongfully conflate gene editing with the more controversial gene manipulation. It's a flawed comparison because of gene manipulation. It's a flawed comparison because of the gene-editing does not unite DNA from other species. 

Nor does it seek to build anything that would never happen in nature. Instead, gene editing tries to bring about describe changes in an animal species that could occur naturally but may take decades using selective bedding.