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Difference between A Lawyer and An Advocate.

A lawyer: Person who has a degree of Law.

Advocate: Lawyer who is enrolled with BCL.

Many people are thinking A Lawyer and An Advocate both are the same. No, but there is a difference between A Lawyer and An Advocate. A Lawyer and An advocator two tittle which is used in the logical process.

Difference between these two tunes A lawyer and An Advocator.

who is studying low or who has completed the Law degree they called A Lawyer. The person completed the Law degree means completed the LLB. One person who completed a law degree but didn't pass the GATE exam. Whichever person is the qualify for Panjab Bar and other Bar. They do not license for those people, they will be called A Lawyer.

An advocate is a person who has completed the Law degree and qualified or passed the GATE exam. And the Bar counselling the major bar of the government that person that you can complete. You can represent this client before the honourable court than the person known as An Advocate.

Any person who has a Bar license and can be represented by his client in court is an Advocate. And A Lawyer has completed a degree but they didn't qualify the Bar counselling license. A Lawyer can be advised for legal matters but A Lawyer can not spill for the honourable Court on behalf of the client.

A Lawyer can not be represented by their client. Simply the Advocates can be called ALawyerbut all the Lawyers can not be called An Advocates. For being An Advocate you must have a qualified license of any major Bar. This means you have one authority so you can complete the honourable court on behalf of your client.

For being An Advocate you have must have a license issued by the Bar concealing. This is the simple difference between A lawyer and An Advocate.