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Sometimes the feeling of sadness goes on for weeks, months, or years and affects our day-to-day life. If a person feels miserable most of the time and finds it difficult to cope up with his mind and feels difficult to get motivated, they might be suffering from depression.

Depression is a serious illness that can affect people of all ages. Feeling sad or moody is a part of our life youngsters could feel sad and worried about events of life such as failures towards exams, fights among family or friends, changing school or moving house, peer pressure, etc.

You start thinking that ending life would be the best option, but there is nothing precious in the world than your life. if you survive you can overcome any problem.

Sadness to life struggle and setbacks changes how you think feel and function. People describe depression as “LIVING IN A BLACK HOLE.” Or a feeling of impending doom, lifeless, empty, and apathetic.

No matter how dejected you feel, you can get better. By understanding the cause of depression and recognizing the different symptoms of depression you can overcome it.

It varies from person to person, but there are some common signs and symptoms. But the more symptoms you have, the stronger they are, and longer they have lasted.

Common symptoms of depression:

1. The feeling of helplessness and hopelessness – A-bleak outlook – there is nothing you can improve nor will ever get better to improve your situation.

2. Changes in sleep cycle - either insomnia, especially waking in the early hours in the morning or oversleeping.

3. Loss of interest in daily activities -  you no more care about your hobbies, passion, the work you used to enjoy, etc. the loose the ability to feel joy and pressure in your daily life.

4. concentration problems - one starts facing problems with focusing, making a decision, remembering things.

5. Self-Loathing - a strong feeling of being worthless or being guilty and criticizing hard to yourself for some mistake you made in the past. You start overthinking on every small thing, start maintaining distance from social circles. You start becoming introvert from being extrovert or ambivert.

Try different steps to overcome depression…

Anyways, there are small steps you can overtake to help yourself and feel more in control and improve you're all sense of well-being.

1. Find and meet yourself where ever you are: The key to self-treatment for depression is to be open,  accepting, loving towards yourself, and whatever you are going through. Always accept that where you are right now isn’t where you’ll be always.

2. Know that today is not indicative for tomorrow: If you are not successful today at getting out of bed or accomplishing your goals today, remember you haven’t lost the opportunity for tomorrow. Give grace to yourself… to accept that all the things will not remain the same. Take a look forward to tomorrow's fresh start.

3. Do the opposite of what the “voice of depression” suggests: use logic as your weapon. Address each thought individually as it occurs. If you believe an event won't be fun or worthy, say yourself, " You might be right, but it will be better than just sitting here another night.”

4. Reward your efforts: You may not feel like celebrating with a cake and confetti, but recognizing your own success can be a very powerful weapon against depression’s negative weight. When you achieve your goal celebrate the success and do the best to recognize it.

5. Like listening to music: Music may be especially beneficial when performed in group settings, such as a musical ensemble or band. Music can be a great way to boost your mood and improve symptoms of depression. It may help your reception of positive emotions.