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Coronavirus Global death number crossed 2,50,000.

We say we humans can do anything, but this COVID-19 has hammered everything and our most potent century of humanity is facing the biggest fear of death due to one disease. Even technology, science, medical are not good enough to stop one virus called COVID-19. 

Today death number passed 2,50,000 because of COVID-19 globally.

Most of the countries have sealed their boundaries, and we feel it will remain the same for 2020. The first priority is to find the vaccine for COVID-19 so that we can live a normal life. 

Recently Newzealand Prime Minister Jacinda Arden said that Country would not open borders with rest of the world for a long time to come. 

Both Australia and Newzealand and Australia have close borders for foreigners due to COVID-19.

All the prime ministers of different countries feel lots of work need to be done before we start to live normal after Pandemic. Yes, it will slow down the world economy, but we can't take the risk of lives.

Countries like America, UK, entire Europe has seen worst due to COVID-19 which they have never seen in the past not even in world war.

India too is now showing a sharp rise in cases today on 5th may 2020 we show a massive surge of covid-19 cases nearly 4010 fresh new examples and the total number goes over 46,600 in India. 

It is now becoming a problem. Yes, Country is hugely populated, but daily cases is not a good sign for Country like India.

Hope world find the vaccine for COVID-19, and we start to live healthy lives again.