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Christina Aguilera Returns 20 Years After 'Dirty' Leather Boys Video For Pride Gig

The singer performed some of her hits such as "Bionic," "Beautiful," and "Lady Marmalade" at LA Pride in the Park.

On Saturday night, the "Genie in a Bottle" singer took to the stage to headline LA Pride in the Park wearing a dress that dates back 20 years when she released her "Dirrty" music video.

Aguilera, 41, and her dancer back appeared red, while the singer wore a tight corset and a leather hat. He disguised his appearance in a cowboy outfit by wearing a shiny coat and matching red sunglasses. The "Candyman" singer then took off her raincoat and showed off her figure while stretching out some of her hits, including "Bionic," "Beautiful," and "Lady Marmalade."

On the night of the Pride festival, Aguilera dancers waved "Say Gay" placards to show their support for LGBTQ people in several states that have passed laws restricting discussion of LGBTQ rights in schools, reports Rolling Stone. Aguilera recently revealed to news  that she is an ally of LGBTQ+, saying that "it's not something short-lived."

"It's in my DNA," he explained. "Over the years, I have raised awareness about HIV and AIDS and helping families of victims of the Pulse nightclub shooting.

"I also want to mention that my friends in the LGBTQ+ community have helped me in a way that I will never forget. " She continued, they gave me the freedom to be myself and share my deepest and darkest secrets with them," she continued.