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Chinese scientist: creating Monkeys with The Human Brain.

Chinese scientists are creating several transgenic monkeys with extra copies of brain genes distrust of playing a role in shaping human intelligence. According, the modified monkeys were much smarter, doing better memory test and their brains taking longer to develop, like those of human children.

In the end, humans stood upright, and created civilization, while primate cousins stayed in the trees. Now scientists in solutions in southern China report that they've tried to narrow. The biology gap, creating several transgenic macaques monkeys with the human extra copies of intelligence. This was the first attempt to understand human cognition using a money model. As those of human children do. 

The experiments described on March 27 in a Beijing journal, National science review, and first reported by Chinese media, remain fa from pinpointing the secrets of the human mind or leading to an uprising of brainy primates.