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Can I take pregnancy test during Implantation Bleeding?

It is special to get Pregnant and getting a baby for a female. it is like a boon from nature specially gifted to the mother…during this period female is in a great dilemma for many matters, one of it is confirmation of pregnancy during the implantation period where there is a deep confusion between regular periods and implantation bleeding. 

This article helps out in guiding to understand the signs and about pregnancy testing.

What is Implantation Bleeding?

It serves as an early sign of pregnancy and generally appeared as a small amount of bleeding or light spotting when a 6 to12 days old fertilised egg attaches itself to the uterine lining and begin embryo development.


It is considered as an early symptom of the pregnancy and it is believed that one-third women worldwide experience it at the initial stage.

Common signs and Symptoms of Implantation Bleeding

Symptoms typically begin around 12 – 14 days before the next menstrual cycle and seen parallel with the pre-menstrual surge. So, it is often confusing to verify that it’s actually a pregnancy or upcoming periods.

Common signs to be kept in mind for confirmation of implantation are:

The note is to be made on consistency, colour and frequency of the bleeding which differentiates pregnancy from the periods. At the early stage of pregnancy, there will be a consistent pinkish-brown discharge appearing on panty liner or pad.


Reasons for Implantation Bleeding and concern for testing

At the time of fertilisation, male sperm fuses with the female egg forming an embryo. Fertilisation takes place in the fallopian tube and 2n stage embryo then start diving and travelling towards the uterus. On reaching the uterus, it gets implanted at uterine wall forming a layer of trophoblast. During this process, few of uterine blood vessels get broke off and causes mild bleeding in early pregnancy condition.

Apart from implantation, bleeding during early pregnancy can also occur because of other reasons such as:

With a lot of early signs of pregnancy, real proof for the parenthood is confirmation with pregnancy tests. If a female is experiencing implantation bleeding then it is advisable to take non-invasive home pregnancy tests.


Pregnancy test during Implantation Bleeding, to be taken or not?

In order to be certain about pregnancy, women can take a home-based pregnancy test or can visit the clinic to be sure about pregnancy during implantation bleeding period. The levels of HCG – Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin hormone is measured in home pregnancy tests. This hormone is only produced when the female is pregnant and its high concentration is seen in urine as well as blood. Pregnancy test when performed as per user manual guidelines, it gives an accurate result.

Level of HCG hormone in blood and urine is dependent on how many days have passed after fertilisation, it usually takes 48 to 72 hours for HCG to be produced in enough volumes which can be detected by pregnancy test kits.


It is thus advised to test pregnancy post 4-5 days of missed periods, and retesting to be done after one or two days in case negative result is obtained. A blood test is well known for its high accuracy and it will take at least 3 days after implantation for sure positive results.

There are certain factors which also plays an important role during positive results of home pregnancy tests such as implantation timing, urine HCG level, blood HCG level as well as the sensitivity of pregnancy test.

The ideal time for performing a pregnancy test is one week after getting signs of implantation bleeding in order to get accurate results. Once home pregnancy test results come positive, confirm visit to the doctor is to be done for further assurance and confirmation by a blood test.