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Blob Fish: The World's Funny Looking Body And Ugliest Animal.

You can't look any more inadequate than this deep-sea extraterrestrial. The blobfish got a pretty good reason to look so bummed. It's been called the world's ugliest animal. It forces not be as pretty as a kitten or a panda, but the blobfish's funny-looking body actually helps it to remain in its gruff underwater environment.

The blobfish remains in the ocean off the coast of Australia, It lives really deep. Almost at the seafloor, that's nearly times deeper than where most sea animals live. Not various animals could survive where the blobfish lives. 

Down, there, it's pitch-black because the sunlight can't even reach that far, the temperature is just several degrees above freezing, and the pressure is extremely high. If you are at the bottom of the ocean, the weight of all the water on top of you pressure down really hard. 

And it squeezes you like a really tight bear hug. That's where it's Fearfulness is really a plus! The blobfish has a jelly-like body, gooey that can handle the squeezing from all of that underwater pressure. It has very few bones and virtually no muscle. 

It's essentially pure squish! But it's yet able to do things like move and eat because its blobbiness obtains it buoyant. And this means it can just float pleasantly right before the ocean floor without having to use too much energy to swim. And it mostly just swallows food that happens to float on by. 

Which have to admit would be pretty neat. Could you imagine cheeseburgers just floating into your mouth? So the blobfish is probably for a lot of good reasons. And to its underwater friends, it probably doesn't look so ugly at all.