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Black Friday Shopping Guide: How to Spot Deals and Avoid Getting Ripped Off

Black Friday has become one of the most anticipated shopping events globally, offering deep discounts across various categories. However, amidst the frenzy, shoppers can often fall victim to misleading offers and overspending. Consumer advocacy group Which? warns that many Black Friday deals are either the same price or cheaper at other times of the year. This article provides actionable tips from experts to help you navigate Black Friday sales wisely and secure genuine bargains.

1. Make a List and Stick to It

Before diving into the Black Friday chaos, create a list of items you genuinely need or have been planning to buy. According to Sarah Johnson, director of Flourish Retail, “It’s only a deal if it’s something you genuinely wanted or needed before seeing the discount.”

Sticking to a list helps avoid unnecessary splurges and maximizes savings on meaningful purchases.

2. Compare Historic Prices

To ensure a deal is truly worthwhile, compare prices across multiple retailers. Harry Rose, editor of Which? Magazine, emphasizes checking a product’s price history over the past year.

Rose advises shoppers not to feel pressured, as many deals are repeated or improved at different times.

3. Consider Second-Hand Options

Black Friday doesn’t always mean buying brand-new items. Influencer Jess suggests exploring second-hand platforms for even better deals.

A survey by Retail Economics revealed that 63% of people are comfortable receiving second-hand Christmas gifts, making it a sustainable and budget-friendly option.

4. Beware of Debt and Interest Charges

Many shoppers turn to credit cards or overdrafts to fund Black Friday purchases. However, financial experts caution that interest can negate any savings.

5. Stay Alert for Scams

Black Friday is a prime opportunity for scammers. Criminals often create fake websites or social media ads to trick shoppers into sending money for non-existent products.

Liz Ziegler, fraud prevention director at Lloyds Bank, stresses the importance of buying from reputable sources and avoiding bank transfers.

Black Friday can be a fantastic opportunity to score deals, but it requires careful planning and vigilance. By sticking to a list, comparing prices, exploring second-hand options, managing finances wisely, and avoiding scams, you can make the most of the sales without falling victim to rip-offs. Remember, a true bargain is one that meets your needs without compromising your financial health.