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Best Buds Pet Hospital brings human touch to pet care through its new breed of veterinary hospital.

India's only Non-Profit Organization is a pets hospital. Only Hospital for Pets in Gujarat and INDIA.

Best Buds Pet Hospital is the brainchild of Shaival Desai who lost his loving pet due to unavailability of treatment options at the right time and this event led him to start his own pet care hospital which would give timely treatment to pets who can suffer adversities due to lack of proper treatment and accurate diagnosis. 

Dating back to the time when this unpleasant situation took place when his pet buddy was suffering from a stomach obstruction, on visiting numerous pet care specialists he was alarmed to realize that something major was lacking in the veterinarian sphere, and that led to the establishment of Best Buds which is an exemplary model for an innovative new age of animal clinics that places pets ahead of profits and business gains.

Shaival says, "the major points that are lacking on a large scale today is definitely not expertise or technology, what's majorly lacking in the veterinarian profession is the lack of human touch." What he says is true to its core, as a majority of independently owned practices or clinics are constantly looking to pump up their profits, resulting in a lack of customer service or human touch. 

After going through a bad experience with his own pet, Shaival was determined to bring back what was needed around the pet care zone, and that's the reason Best Buds came into existence. Its services are truly unique and offer leading-edge pet care, complete transparency and highly personalized one-on-one service which is extremely important for this industry.

At the forefront of the latest advances in veterinary medicine, Best Buds stays strong in its core belief that pets are a part of the family and need the best of treatment like any other family member. Shaival says, "As cherished members of our families, our pets too deserve the same quality of care and attention during times of health breakdowns and that's the reason our facilities have been established, to bring out the best medical treatment one can get for their pets in the country." The main objective behind opening Best Buds is to leave a lasting legacy as someone who focussed on the pet's well-being above profits.

To know more about Best Buds, visit

Only Hospital for Dogs in Ahmedabad, Hospital for Pets in Ahmedabad, Hospital for pets in India.