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Beatriz Pugliese: she has a 80% birthmarks on her skin.

Young women were born with a nevus birthmark covering more than 80% of her skin. Beatriz Pugliese, 25 from Sao Paulo, Brazil underwent to reduce her birthmarks, as they are prone to cause skin cancer. Her condition, also known as a ain't congenital melanocytic nevus, is so rare that it affects just one in 500,000 people.
It consists of a huge melanoma production rate on the skin's surface. These tend to be darker patches. she has birthmarks on her entire body. She was born with a torso full of birthmarks and some parts of the legs. As she grows older, similar birthmarks started to appear but the birthmarks appear are prevalent even on
the soles of her feet. Even the doctor who handled the birth was concerned. she underwent many surgical procedures.

Despite experiencing some bullying at school, Beatriz didn't let this get to her and says she's always had a positive attitude as her family always encouraged her to not cover up any of her birthmarks but embrace them. The 25-year-old became a role model for others with similar skin conditions and attends a yearly meetup with other Brazilian people who have nevus birthmarks.
Beatriz works as a biologist and recently married her husband Felipe who she met during the 2014 world cup in Brazil.