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Backyard Rodeo marks Jamie Dornan's Milestone Birthday: 'It's 40,' says the narrator

Jamie Dornan wore a stetson and rode a mechanical bull to celebrate his 40th birthday while his friends cheered him on.

On Sunday, the Golden Globes nominee celebrated his 40th birthday with what appeared to be a cowboy-themed party complete with a mechanical bull. Dornan captioned a video on Instagram, "This is 40."

Dornan's backyard rodeo follows a successful year for the actor, nominated for his first Golden Globe for his performance in Belfast. He previously told the news that he loved working on writer/director Kenneth Branagh's semi-autobiographical movie about rising up in Northern Ireland during the civil war in 1969.

"I'm from Belfast, and some of the other cast members are. But, except for Judi Dench, the majority of us are Irish "In January, he stated. "We are all inextricably linked to it. I believe there were times, particularly near the end, when we truly felt like a family."

And for Kenneth Branagh, our writer, and director, many people are aware that it is a semi-autobiographical of his life. So it was a so much cathartic experience for him to tell this story, 50 years after the events finally, "Dornan elaborated.

His father's death also marred the Irish actor's year, Dr. Jim Dornan, from COVID-19 last March, before he had the chance to see Belfast. "It gives me some peace of mind knowing he knew I was doing that job," he told the news.

"In my career, I've worked with some pretty cool people, and they're often inspiring current talents that people are talking about. On the other hand, my father frequently has never heard of those people.

"So even he had to have known that, and it was a massive deal with Kenneth Branagh obviously at the helm. But it almost worsens that he knew and then didn't get a chance to see it. Not only to see it but also to see its reaction, to share all the love showered on that film, "Dornan spoke up.