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Aziz Akhmedov, Leading a flour mill to giant success with innovative efforts.

We have always been amazed at how people waste their precious time in searching for magical shortcuts to success. One of the ways is to get started by learning a marketable skill and getting to work. The start itself is where the ideas, opportunities, partners, and finances always seem to come from. Hard work is then the key to success.

It's very inspiring to hear about entrepreneurs who started with nothing and with all their hard work and struggle have established their identity as a successful entrepreneur. Aziz Akhmedov, is a multi-talented businessman who through his hard work, innovative ideas and passion have awarded himself with the title of CEO of  “Astarta FZC”, the largest and the most trusted flour mills in the UAE. 

Aziz Akhmedov, is born and brought up in Tashkent city in Uzbekistan and did his education in both law and technology. Throughout the beginning of his career, Aziz Akhmodev worked at managerial posts of huge companies and later also owned a chain of stores. 2011 is the year when Aziz Akhmodev’s life took a turning point. Aziz Akhmedov visited Dubai to lead the construction of a large flour mill and carry out its launch. Due to some reasons, the existing team couldn’t make up with the project before the deadline. 

At this point, it was Aziz Akhmedov who took the responsibility on his shoulders. Aziz Akhmedov took the opportunity to recruit his own team and lead them in constructing and launching the flour mill project in Dubai. Facing many ups and downs throughout the journey, Aziz Akhmedov with his skills and efforts is now leading “Astarta FZC” as the CEO for a decade.

Aziz Akhmedov in his story of success believes that it is most important to understand the value of a team with common interests and feasible. Aziz Akhmedov is a successful businessman with heaps of good values to learn from. Aziz Akhmedov believes in the constant learning process, with making innovations a part of the entire process, on the other hand, belief on oneself with patience can lead to success in any kind of business.

Astarta team works as a family with a positive environment around despite being from six varied nationalities. Aziz Akhmedov also actively participates in collecting football teams by organizing team-building, giving both pleasure and business. Astarta FZC produces different flour types, semolina and bran where the production focuses in the Indian markets and the Arab. Aiming at providing customers with high-quality food products and services, today Aziz Akhmedov is an industry leader.

Not just as a successful entrepreneur, Aziz Akhmedov proves himself as a responsible family man maintaining a balance between professional and personal life. Aziz Akhmedov with his innovations, entrepreneurial growth and successful journey seeks to inspire everyone in the world.

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