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Assam: Massive fire breaks out at Baghjan oil India gas.

The Indian Air Force deployed three fire tenders to douse the massive fire which broke out on 1 week ago afternoon at thein Assam's Tinsukia district. Assam CM Sarbananda Sonowal had requested defence Minister Rajnath Singh for the IAF's assistance in controlling the blaze.
As per reports, the Blaze was so huge that it could be seen from a distance of more than 2 km. Set up by Oil India Limited in 2006, the Baghjan 5 well produced around 80,000 standard cubic meters per day of gas from a depth of 3,870 meters. The Two simultaneous operations, testing new sand in the well and servicing of the top portion of the well, were going on.

Subsequently, approximately 2,500 persons living in Baghjian were evacuated to relief camps. A variety of fish died as the residue of gas and At least one dolphin condensing after coming in contact with water spread to a distance of 5 km in the nearby areas.
Sonowal directed the chief secretary and director general of Police to take active steps to control the situations. three experts of Singapore based M/S Alert Disaster Control reached India to control the blowout. This situation would take 4 weeks to control.