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Arthritis mutilans: An interesting case of the rare conditions.

Arthritis mutilansĀ is a rare form of inflammatory arthritis that causes severe inflammation. the wearing down of joints, bone tissues in the hands and feet. It occurs mainly in people who have pre-existing psoriatic arthritis or advanced rheumatoid arthritis, but it can also occur independently. In arthritis mutilans, a patient's fingers became shortened by arthritic.
The shortening may become severe enough That the hand looks paw-like, with the first deformity occurring at the interphalangeal and metacarpophalangeal joints. The excess skin from the shortening of the phalanx bones becomes folded croosinngly as if retracted into one another same as opera glasses. As the condition worsens, luxation, phalangeal and metacarpal bone absorption and skeletal architecture loss in the finger occur.