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Arnab Goswami's capture is alarming HT Publication

Nobody, including writers, is exempt from the laws that apply to everyone else — yet the usable term there is the law 

There can be no uncertainties, buts, or capabilities: The capture of writer Arnab Goswami by Mumbai Police isn't right. It imparts the sign that it's fine to bother writers. It additionally sets a hazardous pattern and could support other police divisions and state governments to do likewise. 

The unique situation — and there is one — is immaterial. The historical backdrop of the falling apart connection between Mr Goswami and the Mumbai police and the Maharashtra government doesn't make a difference. The nature of his news coverage — consistently an emotional call — matters even less. Regardless of whether we like Mr Goswami and his style of news-casting matters the least. Nor is this time for anybody to savour the incongruity (as some have done via web-based media) of Mumbai Police capturing, without sensible or adequate reason, a writer who has frequently requested the capture of individuals without sensible or adequate reason. This is one of those issues where there must be one side. It isn't right. 

Nobody, including columnists, is exempt from the laws that apply to everyone else — yet the employable term there is the law. All that should be finished by the law. For this situation, for example, Mr Goswami might have been called (he makes certain to have followed the request). 

Reports that his family being abused — assuming valid — just intensify some unacceptable. Backing for Mr Goswami has poured in from all quarters, and responses have been prompt. The Editors Society gave a solid assertion. What's more, a few political pioneers, including the home pastor and the data and broadcasting clergyman, have censured the assault on press opportunity and a free press. That is a decent situation to take — reliably and regardless of the points of interest of the writer/media association and government included.