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AICHI Virus: a human pathogen from genus Kobu Virus.

Aichi Virus is been on the human pathogen from genus Kobu Virus.

  • Genus: Kobuvirus
  • Order: Picornavirales
  • Rank: Species


Aichi virus is a human pathogen from genus Kobu Virus. The first strain of Aichi virus found in JAPAN. Aichi virus is detected in the environmental sample like Sewage, River water and Aichi virus group is IV.


Small, non-enveloped icosahedral viruses. Positive RNA genome Single-stranded
Aichi virus-specific IgM and IgA detected only a convalescent phase of patients.


Aichi virus first case is found from a case of oyster related non-bacterial gastroenteritis in JAPAN and Mostly found in foodborne.


  • Nausea, Vomiting


Stomach, Large intestine, small intestine and Most recently Aichi Virus was isolated from PAKISTANI children with stomach flu.