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Abba: Before Releasing New Songs, The Band Sends Forth A Strong Message.

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  • Pop band Abba has made a big announcement next week as fans await their first new music in 39 years.

On Thursday morning, the Swedish band launched a new website called "Abba Voyage" and urged fans to register interest in the new project. This is expected to be the long-term "hologram tour" that Abba originally announced in 2016. The band is also expected to release five new songs to accompany the show.

The quartet - Agneta Faltski, Anna-Fried Lyngstad, Bjorn Ulway, and Benny Anderson - returned to the studio in 2018 and promised two new songs in the same year. 

The Abba Voyage website launched Thursday morning and featured a mysterious image of four glowing planets, accompanied by a September 2 date. According to The Sun, the show will feature "Abba-tars" by stars performing hits such as Waterloo, Dancing Queen, and Mamma Mia.

The hologram is broadcast on a purpose-built theater stage in East London, where fans can also watch a documentary about the band's comeback. Speaking to the in the early stages of the show's production, Ulvaeus said the idea was introduced to the group by Spice Girls manager Simon Fuller.

"He came to Stockholm and introduced us to the idea that at a certain age. 

We could make an identical digital copy of ourselves, and then that copy could tour and sing our songs and sync our lips." I've seen this project in half, and it's just amazing. "

The project was reportedly filmed at London's Ealing Studios last year.

Abba was founded in 1972 and is essentially a Swedish supergroup consisting of songwriters Ulvaeus and Andersson from The Hep Stars and singers Faltskog and Lyngstad, who are successful soloists.

But their joint project completely overshadowed their previous work. After winning the Eurovision Song Contest with Waterloo in 1974, the band sold nearly 400 million singles and albums worldwide.

Based on their hits produced by Ulvaeus and Andersson, the musical Mamma Mia! has also been viewed by over 50 million people. During their most successful period, the group survived the splits of Ulway and Faltski and Lyngstad and Anderson, but were eventually renamed Day in 1983.

Their last recording session in 1982 produced the hits Under Attack and The Day Before You Came, which were included on the compilation album The Singles. His last public appearance was three years later in the Swedish version of the TV show This Is Your Life, which his manager Stig Anderson honored.