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A Young Air pistol prodigy of India explains how people can excel at sports of their choice.

Today, to get into any kind of industry or field is no walk in the park. Although people speak a lot about how individuals can choose a favourite niche or sport and get into it for exploring the endless opportunities it can offer, individuals are quite aware of how difficult it may get for some to enter and excel at the same. It is always easier to say things and more difficult to be a part of the game and get ahead in gaining the desired success. We came across a high-performing young air pistol shooter from Gujarat, India named Satyaraj Jadeja, who not only stepped foot into his chosen field, but also astounded people with his skills and passion in the same. Satyaraj Jadeja is only an 18-year-old sports personality who is rising gradually with his talent in 10m and 25m air pistol shooting.


The young talent studied from Sehwag International school and currently is the student of GLS college in Ahmedabad, studying BBA 1st year. Today, Satyaraj Jadeja explains how people can excel at sports just like him.


Know what you love: Satyaraj Jadeja explains that it is essential for people to first know their niche and what they really would love to do all their lives. This gives them the confidence to keep moving even amidst challenges.

Show commitment: It is extremely important to commit oneself to what one loves. This commitment helps sports people and athletes stay on track and positively move ahead, gaining great experiences along their way.

Consistent learning: In sports, it is crucial to keep learning new tricks and tactics consistently to improve the game and excel as an athlete, says Satyaraj Jadeja. Learning each day goes a long way in helping athletes become their best versions.


Gaining excellence in one’s chosen sport can be possible only if people aim to start working towards their aim from the very beginning, just like Satyaraj Jadeja did, and dream big to go ahead in achieving their desired success.