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A Prayer to the Powerful Lord Shiva & the Shiva's Life

In Hindu mythology, Lord Shiva is the Destroyer and the most important one in the Holy Trinity, the other two being Brahma the Creator and Vishnu the Protector. Lord Shiva has always blessed his followers with his unique appearance: he has three eye’s instead of two, he  has ash smeared all over his body, snakes coil up around his head and arms, he wears tiger and elephant skin, leads a wild life in the cremation grounds far removed from social pretences, and is known for his proverbial anger. 

Both Brahma and Vishnu set out to locate the start and end of that pillar. Brahma turned into a goose and flew up to find the top of the pillar, while Vishnu turned into a boar and dug into the earth to look for its roots. The process of search happened for ages and the outcome proved futile both of them not being able to succeed in their mission.

Lord Shiva is not ordinary god; He is very puzzling and his ways can never be interpreted by the earthly people and definitions. He performs multiple roles and wields a mighty power over the universe. He takes delight in occupying the crematory ground s and the favourite dress code of Lord Shiva is animal skin and skull garlands.