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A Dancehall Superstar's Guide to Jamaica with Shenseea

From bustling Kingston streets to serene beaches and the majestic Blue Mountains, international pop artist Shenseea shares her insider tips to experiencing the best of Jamaica.

1. Explore the Heartbeat of Jamaica: Kingston

Known as the birthplace of dancehall music, Kingston is where vibrant energy and rich culture collide.

2. Discover a Hidden Gem: Maiden Cay

For a peaceful escape, head to Maiden Cay, just a short ferry ride from Kingston.

3. Experience Nature’s Beauty: Dunn’s River Falls

Located near Ocho Rios, Dunn’s River Falls is a must-see natural wonder.

4. Taste the Blue Mountains: Craighton Estate Coffee Tour

Journey to the Blue Mountains for Jamaica's finest coffee and breathtaking landscapes.

5. Eat Like a Local