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A Comparison Of The Denisovans Molars And Homosapien.

A comparison of homo sapien and Denisovan molars. They evidently interbred with modern humans 3% of the DNA of Melanesians and Australian aboriginals come from Denisovans!

Now the overwhelming evidence from fossil records suggests that lived alongside at least 4 other hominin species 100,000 years ago. Yet they never had the faintest of clues that a completely new lineage existed until 3 molars and a pinky bone was recovered from Denisova cave in 2008.

Homo sapiens, Denisovans and Neanderthals shared a common ancestor at most a million years ago. Ancestors that remained in Africa evolved into us while the ones who migrated to Europe and Eastern Asia evolved into Neanderthals and Denisovans respectively.

All non-Africans have a 2% DNA derived from Neanderthals too. But unlike Neanderthals, only a few bone fragments of Denisovans are recovered hence most of their information still remains a mystery.