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11 Movies of Irrfan Khan which will make you realize why he was one of the most versatile actor of all the time

Many people come and go in the Bollywood industry but very few of them leave their mark in the hearts of people by giving amazing performances. One such actor who won millions of hearts not only in India, but also globally was Irrfan Khan. Irrfan Khan’s performances in every movie was different and unique which inspired people from every age group and that is just one reason from many of why people still love him with all of their heart. 

He was born on 7th January, 1967 in Rajasthan’s Tonk district. He passed away on 29th April, 2020 in Mumbai.

Irrfan portrayed all of the characters given to him in such a perfect way that we would not have imagined any other actor nailing the role the way he did it. He was one of the most versatile actors in the Film industry. He felt relatable on the big screen which made us feel that we all knew him personally too. And maybe this is the reason why his sudden demise broke millions of hearts and why it was so hard to accept that he is not with us anymore. 

Today, on his birthday, we suggest 11 of the most loved performances by this legendary actor that not only entertained us but also shaped our lives:

  • Hindi Medium

  • Angrezi Medium

  • Paan Singh Tomar

  • Piku

  • Slumdog Millionaire

  • Maqbool

  • Life of Pi

  • The Lunchbox

  • Haider

  • Jurassic World

  • Life in a Metro